Why are Indians so horny

No, this article is not to share my experiences on the sexual abilities of Indians but is more to share my lack of understanding and frustration as to why do Indians honk so much on the roads. I have been driving on these roads for almost 25 years now and honestly I have rarely felt the need to honk at anyone else….and the stint of about 10 years overseas has only reinforced that belief. Typically, if you are honking at someone it is to point out mistakes in his driving and in most of the countries it is often taken as an insult.

Is it justified each time that you honk and do you think that the other guy in front of your vehicle is actually not interested in moving ahead to his or her destination and is treating the road journey as a walk in the park. I could close my eyes now and very well imagine the answer to be a big YES from most of you.

I have experienced people honking at me even whilst the signal is red….now what exactly does the guy behind me want to do?  Jump the light so that he can get closer to the stop line or does he think that his horn is the remote with which the lights shall automatically change to green? Whilst I don’t understand the need to honk on the roads I could probably never understand the need for anyone to honk at a traffic light….but it happens day in day out. The icing on the cake is when people honk on empty roads….that is really quite funny and annoying at the same time…I mean who are you honking at when the road in front of you is empty….probably your honking is a manifestation of your own lack of confidence, control and driving ability? Why else would you honk on empty roads?

What is the effect that the honking has….does it help change the traffic light from red to green? Has it made the other person (who you honked at) smile at you? Has the traffic started moving faster due to your honking? The answer to all the above is a big NO…. and I feel that the incessant honking has led to a ‘wolf, wolf’ situation where nobody even cares anymore.

In a survey carried out in 2011 by the Center for Science & Environment the noise levels at some intersections in Delhi go up as high as 106 decibels due to constant vehicular honking – a veritable rock concert on the streets. The standard for a silence zone is 50 decibels, while it is 55 decibels for residential areas.

So, what is the impact of this on our own health?

A per medical experts any sound above 85 dB can cause wear and tear on your ears  and prolonged exposure to noise not only reduces your hearing acuity over time but the health problems continue and elevate to hyper stress, sleep disturbance, hearing loss, ischemic heart disease, high blood pressure etc. and can affect the developing central nerve system and vital organs of an unborn child. And we are giving these problems to ourselves…..why?

I say that it is definitely possible to drive in India without honking!!! And that its time that we changed the writing on the back of the trucks in India and now it should read as “No Horn Please” !!! 

Or, as I say just go ahead and castrate the vehicles….take out the horns and throw them away…..maybe then the Indians wont feel so horny 🙂



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