Buying a Sleeping Mattress in New Delhi

Now that we had shifted to New Delhi we had to go around for fulfilling the basic requirements such as LPG, Telephone, Internet connection etc so as to make the house livable. Since all this time the basic necessities were taken care by the company provided accommodation I felt as if I had taken a premature retirement and had to work on all the basics all over again.
I have seen in my life that the more interest that you take in everything in life and take the pains to understand the detailed information the more you are confident of your understanding and the fact that you don’t get taken for a ride. It is all too simple to take out your wallet and flash the credit card and walk out of the store in 15 minutes flat but then that is a different class of people.
My wife and I went to Kotla market and started looking at all the shops that dealt with sleeping mattresses and there were quite a few and all of these shops carried at least 6-7 brands under their roof. As you can imagine it was a Herculean task at hand.
Our objective was to gain knowledge about the different types of mattresses and their pro’s and con’s. There are a lot of names being allotted to them (orthopedic / memory foam / body shaper etc and each one is guaranteed to add to your confusion. Basically I was able to segregate them into two major types i.e. into coir and spring even though a lot of fancy and high tech (read designed by NASA) names were being allotted to them. Considering the height of our beds we decided to go in for 6” thick mattresses (rule is that total height of bed and mattress from the floor to the top should be between 22” and 24” at the maximum).
The coir mattresses are basically made of a thick foam at the middle measuring at about 3” and either side being covered with coir at about a thickness of 1.25” of coir with the balance being made up of the fabric at either ends. The other type is the spring mattress which replaces the foam by springs which are further categorized into bonnel (springs connected to each other) and pocket (springs independent of each other). The latter contains more springs and since each spring is independent of each other it is softer than the former.
Surprisingly the prices for the coir and the spring mattress did not vary much and both ranged between 15k to 16k depending on the brand. Armed with the above knowledge we then set out to find as to which dealer or distributor could give us the best pricing. After consulting with another 8-10 dealers on the phone we narrowed down to a company based out of Ghaziabad called Boston Mattresses which was represented by the owner (or rather the owners son, I presume) Prateek.
Prateek came to my house the naxt day armed with different samples and we again had a detailed talk on the various qualities and types of mattresses. Not only was he patient enough to answer all my queries (some of them pretty stupid, I guess) he also went in great detail as to give me a deeper insight into the different types of mattresses and their pro’s and con’s. It was a pleasure talking to him and we closed the deal for the mattresses at about 30% lesser than what other dealers were offering post all discounts and schemes.
I felt that all my efforts had paid off well and recommend that anyone having the need to buy a mattress in Delhi should try out this company. Prateek can be contacted at +91 9911176556 or check their site at
PS – This is not a paid review. Just sharing my experiences!!!